Safeguarding Policy
The main body for Crown Green Bowling (British Crown Green Bowling Association) introduced this policy, along with other Bowling Federations, over a year ago to support and safeguard all those who are involved in playing this sport.
All the clubs across the Associations we play in have at least one Safeguarding Officer in place. These Officers have been vetted for the role and liase with the varying Association Officers on changes to policy and any matters arising.
Our Safeguarding Officers are Sarah Jarvis and Jim McArthur. All Safeguarding material, including our Officers certificates, is clearly visible and available in the clubhouse and all our Members have been made aware of how to locate the said material.
I know all clubs have embraced the introduction of this policy to help promote and develop this great sport which is open to all ages, genders and abilities.
Full details of the Clubs Safeguarding Policies can be found by clicking on in links below.
SSafeguarding policy 2023.S Complaints Procedure. Incident Reporting Form. Physical Contact in Bowls. Transport Guidelines.
SSafeguarding policy 2023.S Complaints Procedure. Incident Reporting Form. Physical Contact in Bowls. Transport Guidelines.